

Make your arrangement extra personalized by choosing from our container collection. Below is a description of what we currently have with a suggestion for the arrangment size that it will accomodate. You will be able to include the container when choosing your arrangment. We'll arrange the flowers to best complement the container!

Customize your order by choosing a container! We'll arrange your flowers to best fit the container chosen.

Glass Vases

Assorted vases ranging from 8 to 10" tall for long stem roses and larger arrangments. $14

Mason Jar

Quart size mason jars perfect for small to medium arrangments $5

Tall Basket Vase

These 9.45" tall baskets are suitable to create taller arrangements but still keeping an organic feel. $14

Baskets with Handles

These various natural baskets with handle go so well with any flowers! You can't go wrong. $8

Gray Coil Round Basket

Gray coiled basket, 5.5"Dx 4"T or 8"Dx4.75"T $8

Wood Crates

These natural wood crates give your arrangents a rustic natural feel. 2 sizes. $10 and $14.